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Q33.How to install foldable fishing chairs & Rod Holders on inflatable boat benches or floor?

Q33.How to install foldable fishing chairs & Rod Holders on inflatable boat benches or floor?

A22.Following Hysun Marine's instruction, you can install foldable chairs easliy on your boats!

A.Mount Foldable Chairs on Infaltable Boats Seat Benches.


Install rectangular aluminum tubing in between 2 seat benches. This will create rigid aluminum frame and will prevent benches to rolling backward when resting against back support of chair. Use wingnuts to make assembly/dissasembly quicker. Then drill holes in benches to match holes on bottom of foldable chairs. You can bolt chairs directly to benches, or install swivel platform with quick release mount to make chairs rotate and quickly disconnect from benches.

B.Mount Foldable Fishing Chairs on Infaltable Boat Floor.

How-To-Mount-Fishing-Chair-On-Inflatable Boats