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Q17.Can I pump up my inflatable boat using electric pump only?

Q17.Can I pump up my inflatable boat using electric pump only?

A17.You will need to use a hand pump to provide proper air pressure to the tubes if you are using low pressure electric pump. Inexpensive electric pumps sold for $20-$50 in retail stores will not provide enough air pressure, and your boat will not operate to it's full performance. You may quickly inflate all air compartments with low pressure inexpensive electric pump, up to the point where no more air can be electrically pumped  inside, or about 70-80%. Then, you will need to use a hand pump until the tubes, keel and bow are hard to the touch.

To completely inflate boat or kayak or raft or any other inflatables to the recommended air pressure without use of hand pump, you will need a Professional High-Pressure Electric pump .If you are in North America, you can buy from Seamax Marine Online shop

Seamax  Professional High-Pressure Electric pump