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Q27.How to make inflatable boat seat bench to be softer on a bumpy rides?


Q27.How to make inflatable boat seat bench to be softer on a bumpy rides?

A27.Normally you can buy from us the seat bag with soft cushion for bench seats on your Hysun inflatable boats.Here is also a FREE instructions for how to make DIY Deluxe Soft Cushion that will go over your boat plywood or aluminum bench from our customer.

Free instructions for Do-It-Yourself Seat Cushion.

As an added bonus for our customers, we are sharing this free instruction outlining how to make yourself soft cushion that will go over hard seat bench for inflatable boats.

This instruction is a free and complimentary bonus, and therefore will not be able provide any more information then was already outlined on page below. Instruction is very simple and strait-forward. All you need is piece of plywood, vinyl fabric and foam. All that you can find in a local Wall-Mart.

Inflatable Boat Do-It-Yourself Seat Cushion

This custom-made seat cushion will make the boat ride much more enjoyable when the boat bounces on waves. Instead of bumping on a hard plywood bench, you will have extra comfort seating on this soft and wide surface.

Inflatable Boat Do-It-Yourself Seat Cushion Customer's Photo

"I found it took a lot of effort to keep from sliding off the back of the smoothly painted wood seats. I resorted to sitting on a spare life jacket to relieve the numbness. But now I have this wonderful cushion to relieve my rear. Thank you so much for this cushion, it is real butt-saver!"  Brian Clastroms, Naples FL