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Q19.What type of outboard motor can be installed on a Hysun inflatable boat?


Q19.What type of outboard motor can be installed on a Hysun inflatable boat?

A19.Short shaft 15" outboard motors are recommended to be installed on the 15" transom of Saturn inflatable boats. The lighter the outboard motor - the better. Either 2-stroke or 4-stroke engines may be installed on a boat transom, however 2-stroke engines are generally much lighter then 4-stroke outboard motors.


Long shaft 20" motors are not recommended, but may also be installed  if a short shaft o/b is unavailable. However a long shaft o/b may create extra underwater drag. Long shaft o/b may be raised a few inches with the help of a  2-3" wooden bar placed on top of the boat's transom.

Max O/B motor, as per technical specifications for Hysun inflatable boats, means that this particular HP power output motor will bring the boat on plane when the  maximum persons capacity is reached. For example, the CA380 can take up to a 25 HP outboard motor, but a 9HP or 15 HP motor will move this boat very nicely with 2-3 people on board. However, to put the boat on plane with a full load of 5 people and gear, a 25 HP motor may be required.

Technical specifications for Hysun inflatable boats